Geumsanmall Korean Red Ginseng 6 years Tea, Health Functional Food Helps Immunity Enhancement and Faculty of Memory, 80 ml X 30ea

The impact of aging on the immune system is profound. As people age, a number of critical immune system components including cellular response, antibody production, and response to vaccines are reduced or slowed. At the same time, susceptibility to infection and cancer is increased. Some of this increased susceptibility to disease is linked to chronic inflammation, which is associated with many disorders of aging.

Age, however, is not the sole culprit in reduced immune function. There is no question that exercise, stress, and nutritional status play an important role in maintaining a healthy immune system.

The immune system is an elegant and complex set of components that combine to fight disease, infection(s), and various pathogens. A healthy immune system distinguishes organisms in the body as “self” or “non-self.” An intact immune response identifies pathogens as “non-self” and rapidly destroys them. A depressed immune system, by contrast, will allow invading organisms to flourish. When the immune system mistakenly recognizes a “self” cell as “non-self” and mounts an immune response, it can result in an autoimmune disorder. In general, the body has two primary defense mechanisms: natural immunity and acquired immunity. Natural immunity is the “first responder” to attack. Natural immune response relies on various white blood cells and physical barriers to block or immediately attack any foreign invader and attempt to destroy it.
