Geumsanmall Korean Red Ginseng 6years Gold Extract, Size : 250g (Gram)

Korean ginseng is a plant, the root of which has been taken as a health food for over 2,000 years around the world. Long before Korean ginseng was well-known to the Western general public, people from aristocratic and scientific classes knew about, wrote about, and showed their love for ginseng, regarding it as a natural medicine and calling it the "treasure from the Orient".

As a delicate root, the growing environment is important for ginseng to produce healthy components, called ginseng saponins.
Since Korea is the naturally evolved growing environment of ginseng, Korea's geographical latitude, 4 distinct seasons, and the very specific soil conditions on the Pacific peninsula of Korea allow Korean ginseng to produce more than twice the variety of these healthy components.
Although there are other species of ginseng, such as American ginseng, Japanese ginseng, or Siberian ginseng, and while cousins of Korean ginseng exist, including Chinese and Asian Panax ginseng, these varieties naturally produce either less than half the variety of healthy saponins as Korean ginseng (by species), or only half the total quantity of healthy saponins (by growing period).

Korean ginseng is grown in the ideal climate for ginseng cultivation, the peninsula of Korea, under strict quality controls. For these reasons, it is praised as the highest quality ginseng in the world, in terms of efficacy and, both, quantity and variety of active components.
