Geumsanmall Korean Red Ginseng Gold Extract, Size : 2000g (Gram)

The leaves and roots of ginseng are rich sources of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants. These are very beneficial for the overall health of the skin. They improve the skin metabolism and eliminate dead skin cells, thereby producing healthy new skin. Consuming ginseng tea is an excellent way to make your skin more refined and hydrated. It increases oxygenation and regenerates skin cells. It is also good for increasing the circulation of the blood and detoxifies the blood. All these properties help in providing you brighter and healthier skin. You can make your skin healthy and glowing by applying ginseng leaves topically on the skin.

Ginseng is an effective tonic that can increase your stamina and energy. It improves your mental alertness and also elevates your mood by getting you relief from fatigue. Excess of stress can cause adrenal hormones to flow out and this causes a lot of health issues. Ginseng has the ability to balance the adrenaline levels in the body. By consuming ginseng tea you improve your concentration as well as your thinking ability.

Herbal medicines contain ginseng as it helps in strengthening the immune system. Patients suffering from chronic bronchitis benefit a lot when they take this along with antibiotics. The adaptogenic properties of this herb help in keeping you young. In elderly people it restores the damaged cells.
