Geumsanmall Korean Red Ginseng Roots, Preserved with fructose, Size : 300g (Gram)

Ginseng is one of the most highly studied supplements to date. There have been hundreds of studies done on this supplement with a great deal of conclusive and empirical evidence recognizing its benefits. For this reason, ginseng may be a safe and effective form of supplementation for any and all populations. Some of ginseng's positive attributes include: elevated mood, increased energy, strengthening of the immune system, enhanced mental function, a positive sense of well being, and possibly even help diabetics improve their blood sugar levels. It also improves work capacity and muscular oxygen utilization by lowering heart rate, lactate levels, and rate of perceived exertion for a given workload.

Other benefits include: improved reaction time, psychological wellness and perception, increased oxygen uptake, improved post exercise recovery, indirect increases in muscular strength, decreased creatine kinase leakage, and increased nitrous oxide levels. As previously noted, nitrous oxide has a direct impact on strength, lean muscle mass, and increased hormone levels. All in all, the many positive effects from ginseng may give a higher value to this product compared with many other supplements on the market. However, for best results in athletic performance, ginseng should be combined with other forms of supplementation described in this literature review.

Also, most studies involving ginseng, use the Asian form of ginseng. As of today, Asian ginseng is the most popular among consumers. Before any conclusive evidence can be drawn to say that Asian ginseng is superior, much more research is needed. However, from mere opinion and speculation among nutritional specialists Asian ginseng seems to be the most highly recommended.
