CARE IN Black Stone Hot Pad, Stone Therapy

By now, you likely have a go-to coping mechanism for when stress and problems arise. Hopefully it’s something on the healthy side of the spectrum, such as seeking comfort from the ones you love, or getting those endorphins flowing with some exercise. But no matter what way you deal, everyone can use a little extra support in handling life’s challenges — and one way to get it is through talking with a professional.

Most families use one type of intensive intervention that best meets the needs of their child and their parenting style. The intensive interventions described here require multiple hours per week of therapy, and address behavioral, developmental, and/or educational goals. They are developed specifically to treat autism. During the course of treatment, it may be necessary to reevaluate which method is best for your child.

Before we get into the types of therapies available, it is helpful to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Although research and experience have revealed many of the mysteries surrounding autism, it remains a complex disorder that impacts each child differently. However, many children with autism have made remarkable breakthroughs with the right combination of therapies and interventions. Most parents would welcome a cure for their child, or a therapy that would alleviate all of the symptoms and challenges that make life difficult for them.
