K.S.Company Blessing Bookmark Clip with Coating Gold Plating, One Sheet of Five Bookmark Clip

benefits of bookmarks

1. Shared items – Tucking two bookmarks inside each book (purchased or mailed for promotion) is a quick way to reach more readers. If the bookmarks are identical, the recipient has the opportunity to use one and pass one along to a friend. If the bookmarks represent two different books, the reader has been introduced to something to consider for his next purchase.
2. Attendance prize fillers – Often event coordinators fill baskets for attendance prizes. The contents may be donated books, theme items, and bookmarks. Offering bookmarks to go in attendance prizes is an inexpensive way to get news of your book to even more potential readers.
3. Snail mail inserts – Sending a few bookmarks to group leaders can help spread the word. A children’s author might send bookmarks to children’s ministry workers, homeschool leaders, or Christian school educators. Children’s workers are always looking for freebies to give out as prizes or take home items. Fun bookmarks can offer this to children’s workers, add another layer of advertising, and build a bridge between author and readers.
4. Grass roots advertisement – A well-designed bookmark can often take the place of a business card. Casual conversation with someone on a plane or even a taxi driver can lead to book talk. Sharing a bookmark can be an easy way to pass the word on one’s book in situations where a business card may not be the norm.
