Advantages of Aroma Diffusers
Aroma diffusers spread the essential oil throughout the air. The advantages of using an aroma diffuser include:
1. Purifies the air. Aroma diffusers help purify the air. Furthermore, essential oils that are added to a diffuser increase the purifying effect because they can help kill bacteria and fungus that are present in the air. Research has shown that oregano, cinnamon bark, thyme and clove bud are the strongest and most effective antibiotic oils. For example, our essences ‘Healthy Air’ and ‘Healthy Air Kids’ are designed to help purify and disinfect the air, kill germs and also stimulate the immune system.
2. Reduces dust in the air. Aroma diffusers have an ionizing effect. The air quality is improved because more negative ions are released into the air. These ions attach themselves to the positive ions, which causes dust to fall on the ground (so that it no longer pollutes the air). At the seashore and high in the mountains, lots of negative ions are naturally present.
3. Spreads scent quickly throughout a room. A special, built-in ultrasonic device divides the essential oil into millions of micro particles, creating a very fine water vapour that quickly spreads through a room. It will only take a few minutes until your entire room, be it at home or at the office, is scented with a delightful aroma!
4. Humidifies the air. The aroma diffusers Yunique and Sha atomize the water and the essential oil so that the air is immediately humidified. This is ideal, since dry air (<30% humidity) is linked to several respiratory tract issues, as well as irritated mucous membranes and dry skin. A healthy humidity level ranges between 40% and 60%.
5. Smells good! Since scent has a large impact on how we feel, it is essential that the environment we live in smells pleasant. By diffusing essential oils, odours can be eliminated and a nourishing atmosphere can be created.
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