idea3 S-B1 5IN1 Multifunctional Smart Battery Touch Universal Pen, Ball pen and OTG USB, Capacity: 16 GB, Black

User-Friendly. It is as easy to use as a regular pen and paper. Just replace the existing pen with a digital pen and familiar handwritten documents and forms can become part of a permanent, fully-digitized, record.
Collaborative. There are many instances where digital pen and paper technology is ideal. For example, a group of architects marking up a blueprint at a construction site, or a doctor taking a medical history without having a PC or tablet that might normally get in the way of the patient/doctor interaction.
Rugged. Many business processes require capturing information under less-than-ideal circumstances where a PC or tablet may not be the best solution. This may be in challenging environments, where extremes of heat and cold require gloves and other equipment that impede the use of keyboard and touch screens, but where a digital pen solution works very well.
Keeps Users “on Task.” The use of digital pen and paper technology places an intrinsic limit on what a user can do in the course of completing a specific task. A general purpose device such as a PC, tablet or phone, provides a potentially large number of distractions and diversions for users, who may be tempted to use the device for a purpose unrelated to the specific task or process at hand. The close link between the user and the digital pen means the only interaction a user can have with the device is dictated by what is on the piece of paper.
