detecting human presence without movement
There is no shortage of sensing technologies capable of detecting human movement.
Indeed, simple passive infra red detectors achieve this very successfully and are a common feature in many households. However, detectinh human presence in an area without movement is not so simple.
However, this is what is by Omron's D6T non-contact MEMS thermal sensor, a super-sensitive infrared temperature sensor that makes full use of Omron's proprietary MEMS sensing technology.
Unlike typical pyroelectric human presence sensors that rely on motion detection, the D6T thermal sensor is able to detect the presence of stationary humans by detecting body heat, and can therefore be used to switch off unnecessary lighting, air conditioning, etc automatically when people are not present (regardless of whether they move or not). As the D6T sensors are also able to monitor the temperature of a room, they can also be used to maintain optimal room temperature levels, instantly sense unusual changes in temperature, thereby detecting factory line stoppages, or discover areas of overheating for early prevention of fire outbreaks, etc.
Thermal sensors utilise the Seebeck effect in which thermoelectric force is generated due to the temperature difference at the contact points between two different kinds of metal. A thermopile is created by serially connecting thermocouples consisting of N+ poly Si , P+ poly Si, and Al. By creating hot junctions on highly heat-resistant dielectric membranes, and cold junctions on highly heat-conductive silicon, it is possible to achieve high-speed response and high-energy conversion efficiency (infrared rays, temperature, thermoelectric force).
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