What is Backpacking?
In short, backpacking can be described as an independent, often international, low- budget way of travelling. Someone who backpacks is called a ‘Backpacker’. Backpackers generally travel for a longer period of time than most other tourists, and they tend to travel in several different countries during their time away. The number of countries differs and a backpacker can be on the road all from a few weeks to several years. However, that is again the short way of describing it. Checkout my article on How to Avoid Getting Mugged While Backpacking
What Is Backpacking?
Backpacking is a very loose definition – there are backpackers who go tramping in the forests sleeping in tents and on the beach, and hitch-hike their way around the world, and there are those who backpack with roller-bag suitcases, sleep in hotels and buy their own car to get around a country. These are two completely different types of traveling, but they both like to call themselves backpackers. You can however separate these into 3 different backpacking genres if you like:
Backpacking RTW Travel
Ultralight Backpacking
Ultralight Backpacking
What is Backpacking
Ultralight backpacking is becoming more and more popular. Today the industry puts a lot of focus on making things ultra light. The backpacks are light like feathers, and the sleeping bags can be squashed down to the size of your palm. But is you really want to go Ultra, opt for a sleeping bag liner. This is definitely something for anyone to look into, as it could really help you ease some weight from your backpack.
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