Don’t rely on the pictures you see on boxed colors. Your present hair color, the level of the hair color you choose, the base of the color, and the peroxide volume, all make a huge difference in the way your hair color will turn out.
Off brands may seem like a good buy but its far safer to stick to name brand companies you know and trust. When it comes to hair color, you’ll always pay a bigger price later on for making hair color brand mistakes.
Products that strip color are very strong, just like bleach. Don’t think you can use them indefinitely without damaging your hair or making your hair weak. Make hair color selections carefully so you use them less often!
Note: - Hair color removers can only remove applied hair color. They are not formulated to remove natural hair colors.
If you’re coloring your hair from an extremely dark hair shade to a very light shade, you will need to: 1) bleach your hair first, then apply toner, or 2) apply color incrementally to lift your hair to the desired color.
Alternately, if you’re coloring your hair a dark color and have very light hair color, choose a color that’s one level up (lighter) from the desired color. Why? Because blonde hair is very thirsty and porous so it will absorb and hold any color that you apply to your hair. Dark colors also have very dense color molecules, which means there will be full saturation. If the color’s not dark enough, its easy to color your hair again. If the color’s too dark, you have to either 1) wait and cross your fingers that the color will fade, or 2) remove the color from your hair and start over.
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