UISEONG BLACKGARLIC Black garlic concentrate

Benefits of Black Garlic

Garlic has been shown to be of benefit in normalising blood sugar levels and it is thought that this is due to its ability to enhance insulin production.

It is theorised that garlic may enhance testosterone levels in both men and women suggesting that it may be of benefit to boost libido.

These are just some of the main benefits of garlic. Because garlic has blood thinning properties, those of anticoagulant medications should consult their GP before taking any garlic supplements. Eating raw garlic can irritate the digestive system which is why supplements may be a route to take.

So what is Black Garlic?

The above mentioned benefits apply to White Garlic however recently there has been a rise in popularity of Black Garlic. White Garlic becomes Black Garlic following a month-long fermentation process under strictly controlled heat and humidity. This very specific process results is a soft, jelly-like texture that is free from odour and has a taste similar to figs.

From a nutritional point of view, Black Garlic has a much higher content of allicin, the active ingredient in White Garlic that imparts its benefits, but without the odour. Additionally, Black Garlic is rich in amino acids and has almost double the amount of antioxidants when compared to White Garlic. But that is not the whole story.

Black Garlic also contains an additional very specific compound called S-Allycysteine (SAC) in very high concentrations, compared to White Garlic which is water soluble and thus absorbed easily within the body. S-Allylcysteine has been shown to assist with the absorption of allicin. This makes Black Garlic much more effective than White Garlic for all the benefits mentioned above and additionally it is well tolerated by the digestive system so the chance of gastric distress is completely minimised.
