CRECELL Aqua Whitening Essential Mask, 2 STEP (1STEP:Peeling Gel=3ml×8ea, 2STEP:Mask=20ml×8 Sheets)

Why Honey?
For centuries, Honey has remained an integral part of our lifestyle. Right from being used for cooking purposes to being tried for treatment of various diseases and illnesses; the reputation and credibility of Honey as a magic potion for the overall external and internal health of the body has remained unwavering. As a powerhouse of essential nutrients; Honey has indeed been a favourite of the nutritionist, dieticians, beauty experts and naturopaths for reasons well-defined.

Some facts about Honey:
It dates back to more than 4000 years
Mixed with other herbal preparations, honey enhances the medicinal value of products
Honey doesn’t spoil. If stored well, it can last way past its expiry date.
It is a natural and healthier substitute for regular sugar
It helps burn fat and regularise weight
An instant energy booster, athletes and fitness freaks often swear by Honey for enhanced endurance levels
It is a rich source of antioxidants & flavonoids which are beneficial for health.
Its potent antibacterial properties help keep bacterial and fungal infections at bay
It would not be wrong to say that Honey is nature’s answer to your health problems.

Why Honey for skin?
Using Honey for skin is always a good idea. Mixed with natural ingredients, found in your kitchen, makes for effective and inexpensive beauty treatment. Applying honey regularly on your skin can give you results beyond your imagination and can go a long way in giving you healthy, younger looking and glowing skin.
