COREASWORD BAMBOO LEAF, Sk steel forge the blade, a lacquer-saya

  • ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF THE SWORD, BAMBOO LEAF - The scenery of bamboo leaves and branches that were popular during the edo period in japan was reproduced in TSUBA (hilt collar).
  • BLADE FEATURE - General blade using Sk steel: A forged blade that knocks carbon steel several times. The front part of the blade is heat-processed by hand and the traces are beautiful.
  • SCABBARD & HANDLE - The scabbard for the sword (saya) was lacquered on premium wood. The handle (tsuka) was made of Korean silk, and various ornaments were imported from Japan.
  • ANTIUQE ARTWORK - This is an antique artwork, but it is the best sword with high performance, and it can be used for both tamami and bamboo.
  • TOTAL LENGTH & WEIGHT - 104 cm / 1,133 g
