kkamankong Gift Set, Scorched Rice 280 g x 3 boxes, Scorched Rice Tea Soup 160 g x 2 boxes

Those that have ever tried a raw food diet or have had to eat cold oatmeal on a cold day will know that sometimes, the body simply needs some heat. Even if raw foods make you feel extremely energized and amazing, at times, the body will call for some warm comfort, and there’s a reason why. Cold foods slow down the digestive process a bit, even though raw fruits and vegetables contain more enzymes than cooked vegetables. It’s important to remember that enzymes aren’t the only piece of the digestion puzzle – balance is. Sure, raw foods and their benefits are important, but the balance of temperatures in your food can also make a huge difference in your overall GI health.

Consider this example: the feeling you get during and afterwards you have a warm bowl of soup versus a cold bowl of salad. Hey, salad is great and makes you feel amazing, but the best salad in the world or even a smoothie (one of our favorites) don’t compare to the way a bowl of warm soup goes down and settles well on the stomach (minus the Cajun spices, of course). Warm foods are like a green light for the digestive system and allow fluids to flow more easily through. It’s one reason coffee and tea can both benefit digestion, along with warm lemon water in the morning. Warm foods open up the channels of the body, and though we need a balance of cooked and raw foods, warm foods are a digestive system’s friend, not enemy. 

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