Health Benefits of Filtered Water
There are a lot of options for drinking water with hype that surrounds each – tap, bottled, distilled, alkaline, etc. For the everyday consumer it can all get very confusing. But worry not - we are here to help! Let’s take a look at why filtered water is the best choice.

Common Elements Removed with Filtered Water

Arsenic: Tap water can contain dangerous levels of arsenic, a powerful carcinogenic, that has been linked to an increased risk of the development of several types of cancer.
Aluminum: Municipal water that is unfiltered can lead to an increased consumption of aluminum, a metal that has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, hyperactivity, learning disabilities in children, skin problems, liver disease and more.
Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs): DBPs are harmful elements that result from disinfecting water with chlorine, a powerful carcinogenic.
Fluoride: While fluoride is commonly associated with improving oral health, it can actually cause a wide range of health problems such as a weakened immune system and cellular damage that accelerates aging.
What about Bottled Water?
You may be surprised to learn that 40% of bottled water is bottled tap water! In addition to this commonly unknown fact, here are some other risks that stem from drinking bottled water:

The plastic bottles themselves are created with a chemical called bisphenol A or BPA, a synthetic hormone disruptor that has been linked to many health problems:

Learning and behavioral problems
Altered immune system function
Prostate and breast cancer
Risk of obesity
Early puberty in both genders
What are Some Health Benefits of Drinking Filtered Water?
An increased intake of pure, healthy water will enhance:

#BEAUTYSELLERKYKHigen3+ #AdvancedAluminum #HairlineFrontPanelMounted #CleanandGoodTaste #Advanced3StepFilter #AdvancedTechnology #IntensiveSpecialMembraneElectrolyzerSystem #Simple #StylishDesign #IntensiveSpecial #SIZEANDDESIGN #ADVANCEDSYSTEM #COMPONENTS #HIGHQUALITY #HYGIENESAFETY
