EXCALIBUR DIY Thermal Insulation film for car and architectural use- IR0570, 2m x 75cm

  • EXCELLENT ENERGY SAVING EFFECT - The thermal insulation film blocks up to 99% of UV light and 75~77% of infrared light, which are harmful to our health. With this film, it is possible to stay cool in summer, warm in winter and the film reduces the temperature change during the changing seasons.
  • SAVE HEATING & COOLONG COST - In winter, it can save the heating cost up to 30% by blocking the cold air. In summer, it reduces the cooling cost up to 30% by blocking the solar heat.
  • PREVENTION OF THE COLOR CHANGE - The thermal insulation film can prevent the color change of furniture and clothing at households and in buildings, and also prevents aging of the skin
  • UV LIGHT BLOCKING - With its excellent UV light blocking function, it prevents glare and rainbow phenomenon and it is recommended to use on the glass of the buildings as it does not interfere with the visible light.
  • PREVENTS GLARE CAUSED BY THE STRONG SUNLIGHT - It is possible to still see clearly as the film blocks the glare from the strong sunlight.

