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Health benefits of ear and nose piercing

Ear and nose piercings are more than just means to adorn the body. They do have important functions. Hindi Vedic rituals dictate the piercings may come with certain health benefits.

According to India Times, piercing is a common practice in India. Children have their ears pierced while very young. Specifically, it helps brain development, which is very rapid from eight months onward.

Historically, ear piercing has been practiced since ancient times. Otzi the Iceman, a mummy which is 5,300-years old, has been found with pierced ears in a glacier in Austria. The oldest earrings, dated 2,500 BCE, were discovered in the Sumerian city of Ur.

Nose piercing, on the other hand, has the same long history as ear piercing. In India, Hindu women wear a nose stud placed in the left nostril to indicate she is ready to take a husband. Others believe it is to relieve her of intense pain during childbirth.

Within the scientific community, ear and nose piercings would be classified under alternative medicine. Specifically, they fall under acupuncture, the process of treating physical, mental, and emotional ailments by stimulating pressure points in the body using thin needles.

There are many pressure points in the ear lobe which can be targeted by acupuncture to produce many different results. The centre point, particularly, is where the core of vision lies. Therefore, the pressure applied in this point may improve eyesight.

Further, the area where a person’s ear is pierced has two important acupressure points: master sensorial and master cerebral, both essential to a child’s hearing health, according to The Health Site. The master sensorial is a good spot to relieve tinnitus or ringing in the ears while the master cerebral helps fend off mental illnesses like obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety.

Finally, another pressure point in the ear is the hunger point – responsible for digestive function – which can reduce the risk of obesity if that area is pierced.

Acupuncture was first documented in China. It has been around since even before humanity had any notion of science. Persisting until today, countless have reported its therapeutic effects. However, whether it actually is therapeutic or not is the subject of much heated debate.

While some medical doctors have recommended acupuncture to their patients, the majority of the scientific community dismisses acupuncture as baseless. In a June 2016 statement by David Colquhoun, pharmacologist, and Steven Novella, neurologist, they vehemently deny benefits of acupuncture.

They wrote: “The benefits of acupuncture are likely nonexistent, or at best are too small and too transient to be of any clinical significance, [i]t seems that acupuncture is little or no more than a theatrical placebo.”

Much of this rejection stems from the fact that acupuncture is based on the concept of “life force” – or “qi” as practitioners call it – which does not exist in any scientific literature.

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