Do UV toothbrush sanitizers really work?
Fear of bacteria and microorganisms is a constant drumbeat from merchandisers. In some ways this is reasonable, as the majority of our illnesses are caused by invasive life that we cannot see. While many of these millions of microscopic life forms are relatively harmless, and some even beneficial, the human mind usually rebels at the thought of willingly living with them.
Enter the ultraviolet light sanitation device! Manufacturers lead you to believe that these machines are the best way to keep your toothbrush clean. They certainly do try to make them convenient, but what are the facts regarding UV toothbrush sanitizing?
What the Science Says
Studies in dental journals do demonstrate that UV sanitizers effectively kill bacteria and microorganisms. You will note, however, that even manufacturers seldom, if ever, claim a 100% kill rate, because they can’t. Many studies demonstrate that while they certainly reduce the amount of microscopic life, UV lights designed for toothbrushes seldom eliminate it entirely.
Interestingly, other forms of sanitizing, using common household products, were found to be equally or more successful at eliminating microorganisms from toothbrushes.
Many studies examined the effect of soaking toothbrushes in anti-microbial rinses, such as mouthwash, for up to twenty minutes. This was considered very effective, using a wide variety of antiseptic products available over the counter. Of course, with time the costs of this method may equal or exceed the cost of a UV sanitizer.
Microwave Ovens
Various researchers studied the sanitizing properties of microwaves. Microwaving for even just one minute completely eradicated life previously found on study toothbrushes. Keep in mind, the Sacramento Dentistry Group does not advise immediately handling a toothbrush that’s been in the microwave! We’re sure it gets hot and does not belong anywhere near your mouth until it has cooled down considerably! Of course, we don’t know what your family members will say about this sanitizing method, which leads us to the next cleansing system commonly found in Sacramento households.
The Dishwasher
Another study published in the American Journal of Dentistry found that simply sticking a toothbrush in the dishwasher and running it through a cleaning cycle successfully eliminated the majority of bacteria present. Again, this method might work well if you live alone, but roommates, significant others and family members may be absolutely disgusted to find your toothbrush in with their forks and spoons.
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