The Benefits of Educational Toys and Play
Research shows that learning through play is an important part of a child’s development. Though ensuring your child has enough play time is a great benefit to families to allow their children to release some extra energy, a child begins to find out who they are through play, even during infancy. Even early in development, a child’s mind is expanding just by looking at their environment and taking in their surroundings.
The use of educational toys can help children learn many different skills they will need in their life such as:
Problem solving and learning cause and effect
Learning how to play with others through compromise, conflict resolution and sharing
Development of fine and gross motor skills
Nurturing their creativity and imagination
Discovering their independence and positive self-esteem
Children can start benefiting from educational toys as early as one month old. Here are some great ideas for educational toys based on age range and an explanation of their benefits.
1-12 months old: At an early age, sensory play helps stimulate your child’s senses. Mobiles, soothers and infant play gyms are great first toys for children as they focus on sensory play through sound, sight and touch. As your child continues to grow and develops hand-eye coordination, families can begin introducing toys that encourage more interaction such as portable toys which will continue to inspire visual and hearing senses with flashing lights and different sounds.
12-24 months old: As your child reaches the one-year mark or older, they will soon become very mobile. Push cars, stride and ride toys and walkers are great to teach balance and coordination and will increase your child’s curiosity with their new found mobility. As your child begins to learn to walk, you can also incorporate learning numbers by counting their steps which will help them become more familiar with the terms and meaning even if they do not quite understand at this age.
2+ years: As your children become a bit older and more active, you can also introduce toys that promote more physical play such as tricycles or basketball hoops. When showing them how to use these toys, always make sure they are aware of safety concerns such as wearing a helmet and incorporate in the process of using the toy so they know that if they ride their tricycle, they must have their helmet on as well.
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