The Health Benefits of a Neck Scarf
There's no escaping it, the nights are drawing in, and the temperature dropping. But it's a beautiful time of year, full of warm fires and homemade soups.

This change of seasons often lead to colds, and sniffles. If this is the case for you, make sure you have Zell Oxygen or Olive Leaf at hand. And do refer to the Autumn Immunity article.
Now to the scarves! Some of us just recently discovered the joy of a scarf; this led us to wondering if the benefits extend to more than just fashion. Equally, a polo or turtle neck jumper could apply here.
Warm and Cosy
Such a simple thing. It feels nice, and soothing to maintain warmth and not have cold air swirling in this area of the body. The feel good factor should never be underestimated. A healthy comfortable mind helps your body stay healthy too. So if you find a neck scarf comforting, wear it for that reason alone if you wish!

Neck Pain and Stiffness
Many people are prone to neck issues and stiffness. This is especially the case for those working at a PC. The warmth encourages relaxation and circulation. If your neck is very stiff, you can even add a heated pad underneath a scarf. Rreally cheap and effective therapy!
NB: do remember that if you pull a muscle in your neck or anywhere, you want to apply a cold compress NOT heat in the early stages. Warmth is best for muscle aches and relaxation, but not for injuries in the early stages.
Do of course see your practitioner if neck pain is ongoing. A pillow change may also be advisable, and there are a number of pillows on the market that can help you sleep in the correct position. Two big fluffy pillows may feel fantastic, but your back and neck will thank you for a lower position. 
As the seasons change, some with conditions such as CFS, fibromyalgia and arthritis often experience more pain and discomfort. Anything that can help prevent the vicious cycle of pain HAS to be worth trying, so for anyone struggling as we go into Autumn, definitely try a scarf. 

Immune System
Many of us will probably remember as a child being told by parents and grandparents to wear a scarf before going out. And it is very common for singers to wear a scarf because maintaining a healthy throat is so vital to them. 
In Ayureveda it is suggested that a scarf will improve the immune system due to the tiny elevation of warmth around the neck. Chinese Medicine highlights the issue of "wind" causing health problems, the neck is called the "wind gate". And there are certainly some very important acupuncture points in this region. 
So there are many references to scarves and protecting health. But we can find no studies or real evidence to prove that a scarf helps the immune system, and we've looked!
But with so many instinctively seeing the benefits, it would be logical to think there is some truth there. After all, many old wives tales are now backed up by science. And do we really need a double blind trial for everything?

Temperature Changes
Theory aside, going from hot to cold, or vice versa too quickly is not good for you, especially for the elderly. Because much of our heat leaves the body through the upper region of the body, a hat and scarf when going outdoors can protect against the change, so there's definitely scientific and sensible logic here. 
So whilst by and large it is all rather anecdotal, and well, a little bit cosy. We think there is a lot to be said for wearing scarves, so enjoy and have fun!
If you have have any personal thoughts or experience, or perhaps you are a health professional with a reference or two on this issue, as ever, please do get in touch. 

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