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Benefits of using Toothpaste

History of Toothpaste

Although toothpaste was used as long ago as 500 BC in ancient Egypt, China and India, it was not until the 19th century that toothpastes came into general use.

Ancient tooth powders used abrasive ingredients such as crushed bone, burned and crushed egg, snail or oyster shells, which were used to clean debris from teeth.

First ‘modern’ toothpastes in the 1800s were home made, with chalk, soap and salt as common ingredients and were sold in jars either as a powder or paste. A dentist in US was the man who invented tooth paste tube, in 1892. The most important breakthrough in the history of toothpaste was the addition of fluoride in a toothpaste in 1914. Fluoride use in toothpastes became widespread much later in the 1950’s.

Toothpaste Ingredients

A modern toothpaste has much more ingredients than those some years ago. New toothpaste ingredients have been introduced in order to provide effective protection against various dental conditions.

The most common active ingredients in toothpastes are :

Fluoride is the most popular active ingredient in toothpaste due to its proved ability to prevent cavities. Most toothpaste brands use Sodium fluoride (NaF); some brands use Sodium Monofluorophosphate – SMFP (Na2PO3F). The concentration of fluoride in a toothpaste for adults is 1000 to 1450 ppm max.

Antimicrobial agents that fight the bacteria of dental plaque. There are two kinds of antibacterial agents used as ingredients of toothpastes : – bactericidal agents as Triclosan that kill bacteria. Triclosan induces damage and lesions to the cell wall of bacteria resulting in bacteriolysis (death of the cell). – bacteriostatic agents as Zinc (Zinc chloride or Zinc citrate) that stop the growth of dental plaque bacteria by inhibiting their metabolism. The combination of a bacteriostatic with a bactericidal agent as toothpaste ingredients is the most effective one to fight dental plaque and gum disease.
Surfactants (detergents) and Foaming agents that help to carry away debris from the mouth and between the teeth. Common foaming ingredients in toothpastes are Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and ammonium lauryl sulfate.

Anti-tartar agents as Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (TSPP). Pyrophosphates are water-softening agents that remove calcium and magnesium from the saliva, so they can’t deposit on teeth creating dental tartar (calcified plaque). Pyrophosphate does not remove tartar, it merely helps prevent its formation.
De-sensitising agents to relieve tooth sensitivity. Strontium chloride works by blocking the tiny crevices (microtubules) that enable cold and heat sensations to reach the tooth’s nerve. Potassium citrate and Potassium nitrate work in a different way by blocking the mechanism of pain transmission between nerve cells.

Abrasives : Calcium phosphate (chalk) and alumina were used as the abrasive base of tooth pastes but they had the disadvantage of reacting with other chemical ingredients. Today the common abrasives are Silicon Dioxide (silica) and Titanium Dioxide. Hydrated silica is a transparent abrasive used not only in white opaque tooth pastes, but in gel toothpastes as well.

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