Inexscreen Home Screening Test for abnormal pregnancy(ectopic or miscarriage)

Genetic screening is gaining an increasingly large presence in the world of medical care. The technology is advancing rapidly, providing more and more sophisticated information about an individual’s risk for disorders or disease to the point where a patient might feel overwhelmed. That’s why providers who offer genetic testing also make sure to have staff that is trained to provide counseling to patients about what the results may mean to the health of themselves and their family.

As a woman ages, her risk of having an infant born with a chromosomal disorder such as Trisomy 21 or Down Syndrome increases. It has been a fairly common practice for some time to offer genetic testing to pregnant women who are 35 years or older to determine if their unborn baby has a problem with its genetic make-up. Recently, however, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has recommended that OB/GYN physicians offer testing to all pregnant women who might want to know the risk of their baby being born with one of these conditions.

Just like knowing whether a baby is going to be a girl or a boy, the benefit of knowing if a child is going to be born with Down Syndrome can help the family make preparations in advance should they decide to continue the pregnancy. There are several medical complications that can accompany the delivery of a baby with Down Syndrome and this might affect a patient’s plan to deliver at home versus at a community hospital or larger medical center. There is also long-range planning to take into account, such as physically preparing a home environment that is safe for a baby with special needs. If there are other children at home, there might be a benefit in preparing them mentally and emotionally for a baby with a genetic disorder so that they can provide the care and attention that is necessary for this newborn.

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