JBWOOD Non-Electric Wood Resonance Speaker

  • CONVENIENT TO USE - Requires no electricity and no separate speaker unit
  • FOR SECONDAYR SPEAKER - Can be used as a secondary speaker in camping areas, home, office or in the kitchen while doing the dishes
  • EASY TO HANDLE - The damaged part can be easily recovered by putting a wet tissue temporarily on the damaged area
  • PRACTICAL ITEM - For iPhone and other smartphones which have their speaker located at the bottom part of the phone, insert the phone from the bottom
  • LIGHTING EFFECT - The product provides lighting effect from the hole located on the front part

  • #JBWOOD #NonElectric #WoodResonanceSpeaker  #AudioDocksNo #ElectricitySeparate  #SpeakerRequired #SoundLevel #2to3TimesHigherforGalaxy #iPhone #Huawei #Xiaomi #Noseparatespeaker #CONVENIENTTOUSE #RECOMMENDED #FORSECONDAYRSPEAKER #EASYTOHANDLE #PRACTICALITEM #LIGHTINGEFFECT
