PURE COCO CO., LTD 6 Soaps in 1 Set Special Package

  • AROMA INGREDIENTS – Contains only natural aroma ingredients and no chemical ingredients so takes care of skin problems and other beauty-related issues
  • FACE & BODY CARE - A high quality natural aroma handmade soap and can be used not only on face and body and is suitable for all ages
  • NATURAL ESSENTIAL OIL SOAP - It is soap made from aroma therapists that take the advantages of each oil and blend them together, in order to maximize the synergy of multiple oils instead of a single oil
  • COSEMTIC CONCEPT SOAP - This is not an ordinary soap that is used for cleansing, it is in fact a highly functional cosmetic concept soap
  • 6 Not IN OUR PRODCUT - Triethanolamine, Paraben, Synthetic surfactant, Synthetic pigment, Synthetic aroma, Chemical foam

  • #PURECOCOCOLTD #6 Soapsin1SetSpecialPackage #Naturefriendly #HandmadeSoap #NaturalAromaEssentialOil #AROMAINGREDIENTS #ACEandBODYCARE #NATURALESSENTIALOILSOAP #COSEMTICCONCEPTSOAP #6NotINOURPRODCUT #Triethanolamine #Paraben #Syntheticsurfactant #Syntheticpigment #Syntheticaroma #Chemicalfoam
