PURE COCO CO., LTD Anti-Hair Loss Soap

Benefits of natural soap
The benefits of natural soap are plenty.

Natural soap is far different from commercially-made soaps or store bought soaps in that they contain glycerin, no harsh chemicals and no artificial fragrance oils...or so you hope (read on to learn more).

All soap must undergo a process of chemical restructuring called "saponification". During the process of saponification, oils or fats combine with sodium hydroxide (or lye) to create a substance that is considered a salt of a fatty acid. No lye remains in the final product just as no free-floating oils do. It's a completely different product after it has saponified and cured.

A natural biproduct of this soaping process is glycerin. Glycerin is a natural humectant, meaning it pulls moisture from the surrounding air and draws it to it.

One of the benefits of natural soap is the integrity of the glycerin. Handmade, natural soaps retain their full glycerin amount, as a natural bar of soap should. Unfortunately, this is not the case with commercially manufactured soaps, or more accurately, detergents (yes many store-bought bar soaps are actually classified as detergents due to their horrible list of artificial ingredients).

It is common practice among the large soap manufacturers to remove most, if not all, of the glycerin produced by this soaping process. Glycerin itself is a very profitable ingredient that can be used to produce lotions, lubricants and most recently e-cigarettes. Funny thing isn't it that companies who remove glycerin from their soap turn around and sell you that same glycerin you should have already enjoyed in another product to add moisture to your now dried out skin. ...shameful...

The great news is that natural soap makers do not do this deceiving practice - they keep the glycerin in the soap. By allowing the glycerin to remain unadulterated in the soap, natural bar soap takes on a very moisturizing quality. Of course, all soap will strip your skin of oils and dirt - that's kind of why we use them. However, if the glycerin is left inside the soap, this glycerin will be absorbed into your skin during bathing, and will remain even when the soap rinses away. This naturally maintains moisture better than artificially made soaps (again void of glycerin) by naturally drawing moisture to the skin throughout the day.

#PURECOCOCOLTD #AntiHairLossSoap #HandmadeSoap #Naturefriendly #Moisturizer #NaturalAromaEssentialOil #InflammationPimples #FACE&BODYCARE #RECOVER&MOISTURIZING #HEALTHCARE #AROMAINGREDIENTS #ANTILOSSECARE
