PURE COCO CO., LTD SU:PRO Aroma Natural Mask Sheet

When Should You Wear a Mask?

Besides the haze, when should you wear a mask?

Why Singaporeans Might Not Wear Masks​
a woman covering her nose with a piece of tissue
In Singapore, the culture of wearing a mask when one is sick has yet to catch on. Since the practice is not common, you might feel conspicuous wearing a mask outside. You might avoid wearing a mask for wear of drawing unwanted attention to yourself.

Due to our hot and humid climate, wearing a mask may also be uncomfortable. But you could be unintentionally spreading diseases to the people around you.

Related: Essential Facts About Influenza

When Should You Wear a Mask?
a father and his son both wearing masks to protect themselves
When There is a Haze Period
Wear a mask during the haze period to protect yourself from exposure to pollutants, especially if you have chronic lung or heart disease. The Ministry of Health recommends N95 masks for short exposure like commuting from home to school or work.

N95 masks can be purchased at major pharmacies and supermarkets.

When You Are Sick
When you are sick and coughing or sneezing, tiny droplets of saliva and mucus carrying airborne viruses are expelled into the air. These viruses can spread to those around you and make them sick too.

Wearing a mask is one of the ways to prevent you from spreading germs to others when you are not feeling well. A properly worn mask prevents the droplets from being passed into the air when you cough or sneeze.

When Others Are Sick
Did you know that masks work both ways? A mask can also help protect you against germs. If you have a weakened immune system such as when you are recovering from illness, a mask can help to prevent you from inhaling harmful germs and developing further complications.

#PURECOCOCOLTD #AromaNaturalMaskSheet #PureCottonFiber #TripleFilterforScreenDustGerms
