3DAMO MANUCERA Moist-Barrier Cream, 50g, 1.7oz.

  • ANTIOXIDANT EFFECT - Contains the manuka honey extract, which contains high amount of polyphenol ingredient with strong antioxidant effect and ceramide ingredients.
  • EXCELLENT MOISTURIZING EFFECT - Provides moisture to the skin so that the skin does not feel dry just like the fountain that never dries.
  • THE MOISTURIZATION OF A KELP - Vitamin C and E makes the skin shiny and elastic.
  • STRONG SKIN WALL - Our product contains ingredients such as Squalene, Glycerin and Ceramide. These factors strengthen the skin wall.
  • PROTECTION LAYTER - The cream that protects the moisture in the skin by forming moisture protection layer.

  • #3DAMOMANUCERA #MoistBarrierCream #NightandDayMoisturizer #ManukaHoney
